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  • Hydroxyl Ionic Liquids: The Differentiating Effect of Hydroxyl on Polarity due to Ionic Hydrogen Bonds between Hydroxyl and Anions
  • 更新时间:2014-04-10;信息类型:SCI论文
  • The polarity of a series of ionic liquids (ILs) based on hydroxyethyl-imidazolium moiety with various anions ([PF6], [NTf2], [ClO4], [DCA], [NO3], [AC], and [Cl]) and their corresponding nonhydroxyl ILs was investigated by solvatochromic dyes and fluorescence probe molecules. Most of the nonhydroxyl ILs exhibit anionindependent polarity with similar ET(30) in the narrow range of 50.7-52.6 kcal/mol, except [EMIm][AC] (49.7 kcal/mol). However, the polarity of the hydroxyl ILs covers a rather wide range (ET(30) ) 51.2-61.7 kcal/mol) and is strongly anion-dependent. According to their ET(30) or ET(33) values, the hydroxyl ILs can be further classified into the following three groups: (Ι) acetate-based hydroxyl ILs [HOEMIm][AC] exhibit polarity scale (ET(30) ) 51.2 kcal/mol) similar to short chain alcohol and fall in the range of the nonhydroxyl ILs; (II) Hydroxyl ILs containing anions [NO3], [DCA], and [Cl] exhibit comparable polarity (ET(30) ) 55.5-56.9 kcal/mol), moderately higher than those of their nonhydroxyl ILs; (III) Hydroxyl ILs containing anions [PF6], [NTf2], and [ClO4] possess unusual “hyperpolarity” (ET(30) ) 60.3-61.7 kcal/mol) close to protic ILs and water. Kamlet-Taft parameters and density functional theory calculations indicated that the greatly expanded range of polarity of hydroxyl ILs is correlated to an intramolecular synergistic solvent effect of the ionic hydrogen-bonded HBD/HBA complexes generated by intrasolvent HBD/HBA association between the anions and the hydroxyl group on cations, wherein hydroxyl group exhibits a significant differentiating effect on the strength of H-bonding and thus the polarity. Spiropyran-merocyanine equilibrium acted as a model polarity-sensitive reaction indeed shows obviously polarity-dependent solvatochromism, photochromism, and thermal reversion in hydroxyl ILs.
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/download/article/2014-04-10/125.html
  • 研究人员提出离子液体静电场研究方法
  • 更新时间:2012-12-28;信息类型:国内研究进展
  • 在国家自然科学基金的支持下,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所绿色化学研发中心首次将振动斯塔克效应光谱学技术成功应用于离子液体内部电场的测量,并通过分子动力学模拟对结果进行了考察。结果表明,离子液体的电场比普通分子溶剂的电场稍高,且取决于结构,同时离子液体静电场随着离子尺寸的增加而减弱。
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2014-04-24/169.html
  • 研究人员提出离子液体静电场研究方法
  • 更新时间:2012-12-28;信息类型:中心动态
  • 作为一类性能独特的新型介质和软材料,离子液体被广泛应用于各个领域。众所周知,离子液体的特殊物理化学性质来源于其特有的结构和组成,而其中最典型的就是其特有的静电场。然而,截至目前为止,还没有离子液体静电场的定量研究的报道。
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/news/2014-04-22/57.html
  • 离子液体极性研究新进展
  • 更新时间:2010-07-20;信息类型:国内研究进展
  • 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所绿色催化课题组在离子液体结构与溶剂极性的相关研究方面取得新进展。最新成果发表在近期出版的《物理化学B》(The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114 (11), pp 3912–3920. DOI: 10.1021/jp911430t)。
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2014-04-24/174.html
  • 离子液体极性研究新进展
  • 更新时间:2010-07-20;信息类型:中心动态
  • 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所绿色催化课题组在离子液体结构与溶剂极性的相关研究方面取得新进展。最新成果发表在近期出版的《物理化学B》(The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114 (11), pp 3912–3920. DOI: 10.1021/jp911430t)。
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/news/2014-04-22/81.html