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  • Ionic liquids come up smelling of roses
  • 更新时间:2015-04-16;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • A new perfume delivery system has been developed by chemists in the UK as a way of keeping sweet smells around for longer. This cleverly designed system tags fragrance alcohols – such as 2-phenylethanol, which has a rose-like scent – onto odourless ionic liquids. In the tagged form, the material has no smell. However, when it comes into contact with water, the link is broken and the fragrance is released – along with its sweet scent.
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/382.html
  • 汗越多越好闻的香水来了
  • 更新时间:2015-11-02;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • 天热了,爱出汗的人又开始为汗味袭人烦恼。以香水掩盖汗臭是一种方法。不过,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学的研究人员把香水的作用推向极致,研发出出汗越多越香的香水。他们给本来没有气味的离子液体、即液态盐赋予香味。这种液体一旦与水接触,就能释放出香气。同时,这种液体还能“困住”汗液中的硫醇,从而抑制汗味。研究人员把这项成果视为“突破”,预计将在个人护理用品市场找到用武之地。他们正与一家香水公司合作,力图研发出相关产品。
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-02/367.html
  • Seeking Better Biofuels
  • 更新时间:2015-10-26;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • In this season of cheap oil, the promise of running our energy-intensive economy on plants rather than fossil fuels can seem further out than ever. Yes, there’s a dollop of corn ethanol in our gasoline, but that is not exactly the energy transformation we were promised. Maybe the whole idea behind our bioenergy future needs to be completely rethought.
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/381.html
  • Ionic liquids to extract molecules from wood
  • 更新时间:2015-10-26;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • Thanks to their unique properties, ionic liquids are all in the rage as solvents as, for instance, "green" sustainable chemical processes. Recently, two research teams at Umeå University discovered how enzymes can perform their catalytical processes in a switchable ionic liquid. The discovery paves way for enzymatic refinement of cellulose to precious molecules and industrial products. The results have been published in the journal ChemSusChem.
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-03/378.html
  • Making the Most From Carbon in Plants
  • 更新时间:2015-09-09;信息类型:国外研究进展
  • Carbon is money. Nowhere is this more evident than in our dependence on hydrocarbons in the form of fossil fuels. Scientists and engineers have been grappling with the question of what alternate carbon sources are available when our demand for fossil fuels eventually outstrips our supply. This challenge has provided motivation to use expertise and equipment available at EMSL, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, to create technologies that use sustainable carbon sources from biomass.
  • 链接地址:http://www.ionike.com/research/2015-11-04/398.html
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